Sunday, August 30, 2009

Michael Pollan on the Whole Foods Boycott

Author and foodie extraordinaire Michael Pollan weighed in on the Whole Foods boycott over CEO and Libertarian/Free Market enthusiast John Mackey's opposition to a public option or health care reform. Mackey also opposes labor reform, which will be an issue next year if labor has any shot of improving the ability of American workers to organize. Pollan's judgment on this whole brouhaha? Bunch of hooey hooey:

So Mackey is wrong on health care, but Whole Foods is often right about food, and their support for the farmers matters more to me than the political views of their founder. I haven’t examined the political views of all the retailers who feed me, but I can imagine having a lot of eating problems if I make them a litmus test.

ETA: I stumbled across this blog Obama Foodorama with recipes (including a Kennedy family lobster stew) and analysis of food politics under the Obama administration.

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