Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Teabagging is so eighteenth century.

I know I'm late to the party for this one, but, apparently, more people are sending congresspeople tea bags and nasty notes to vent their frustration. C'mon, tea? Why don't you pick something that has some relevance or meaning to today's economy or even life. Tea was dumped into the Boston harbor because of taxes and it was a symbol, by extension, of oppression. Similarly, hosting "tea parties" not only sounds haughty, but it is completely at odds with today's life. I see how people are relying on historical events to draw parallels to today, and I appreciate the ostensible use of history. Seriously, though, tea? Protestors need to find an object with some actual contemporary value if they want their issue to resonate. Drawing on the mythical and romantic founding fathers/revolutionaries is nice and all, but it's better to be in touch.

PS. The US has been living beyond it's means ever since Reagan exploded the deficit. Obama's not helping right now, but at some point we're all going to have to pay for the past 30 years of excess and deficit spending.

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