Saturday, May 16, 2009

Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Selected as US Ambassador to China

In a move that will burnish Jon Huntsman's foreign policy bona fides for a potential presidential run later, President Obama is ginned up to nominate Huntsman to one of the most prominent US emissarial positions. Like Crist, the administration is courting moderate Republican governors and congresspeople. Not in hopes of unleashing a wave of Specter turnovers--that would be a foolhardy gesture--but to build a coalition that appears to welcome Republicans/Conservatives. But not those Republicans who now consider themselves "libertarians." You folks are posers to the max.

Update: After speaking with my Mormon friend (look at me, I'm diverse), he reminded me that Huntsman served in a few diplomatic positions in the past. I checked up his resume, and was pleased to see that he was ambassador to Singapore and held a few trade rep spots. That being said, the ambassadorship to China isn't in the ballpark as Singapore or piddling trade appointments. Hell, it isn't in the same league. It isn't the same fucking sport considering the level of US-China relations.

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