Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Teach for America on the News Hour

I'm preparing to apply to TFA in a month or so, so I was particularly interested in watching a segment on several TFA teachers in DC and New Orleans that ran on last night's News Hour. (OK, we love the News Hour and try to watch a few nights a week, time permitting.) Near the end, the video touches on the all important question of the value of novice teachers learning on the fly at the expense of their students. The teachers point to their enthusiasm and desire to improve their students' education. Another answer is this: if TFA doesn't do it, who will sign up to surrender two years of their life to teach at a high needs school when some newly minted teachers avoid such service? Some altruistic people will, of course. As anyone who has been through public school can attest, a teaching degree doesn't qualify one to be an excellent teacher. The same can be said of well-intentioned TFA teachers, as is demonstrated on the video. Nevertheless, it's still better to try and help someone's education than to say "such a pity."

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