Thursday, June 11, 2009

Douglas Feith on what Obama doesn't understand about the ME.

Feith's narrow-minded reasoning on the region's history and current state appear in his Washington Time (blech) op-ed: "Must-y Cairo Rhetoric." Feith, one of the add wizards who got us into the Iraq morass, examines Obama's speech and finds it all wrong and divorced from regional politics. On issues such as Iran, Feith takes a familiar line by claiming they hate us due to our freedoms, not thanks to our meddling in Iranian politics since overthrowing Mossadegh. And, of course, don't you know, the Palestinians and Arabs will never reach an agreement. Feith comments that their conflict is at least a century old and precludes peace. His article demonstrates his own serious ignorance on the region, not to mention an inability to grasp a basic concept such as contingency. If you're in search of an op-ed that illustrates an incorrect vision of the Middle East and American foreign policy in the region, including one that neglects the US' tarnished history of the region, look no further than Feith.

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