Monday, June 1, 2009

Michael Moore, "Goodbye, GM"

Repeating his call to retool Detroit to manufacture bullet trains, windmills, light rail rails and cars, and hybrids, Michael Moore in the Huffington Post called for drastic transformation of GM's production capabilities:

"Well, that's a start. Please, please, please don't save GM so that a smaller version of it will simply do nothing more than build Chevys or Cadillacs. This is not a long-term solution. Don't throw bad money into a company whose tailpipe is malfunctioning, causing a strange odor to fill the car.

100 years ago this year, the founders of General Motors convinced the world to give up their horses and saddles and buggy whips to try a new form of transportation. Now it is time for us to say goodbye to the internal combustion engine"

I think he's absolutely right, and it would produce a great deal of jobs for many areas of the country that sorely need them from decades of crippling deindustrialization. Moore correctly points out that when in time of military crisis Flint and other production centers rapidly retooled for wartime necessity.

I doubt that there would be such a drastic reimagination for the manufacturing capacities for GM. A nice dream, though? Sure is.

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