Thursday, October 1, 2009


I'm spending my week trying to step back from my computer and read a little in my free time from work. We leave early tomorrow to fly to Rhode Island for a wedding, and then I'm counting down the days for Morocco and furiously revisiting my Arabic. Apparently, Moroccan rail fares are quite cheap. For instance, it costs around twenty US for a round trip ticket from Rabat to Tangiers and the ferry crossing to Spain. I'm toying with the idea of spending Thanksgiving in Seville so I can finally visit Spain and get a bit more traveling under my belt. If Algiers wasn't fraught with danger, I might consider more African trips.

Regardless of that, I wanted to share a site I like to check. One of the websites I check daily includes the Consumerist. They collect a small sampling of deals as well as stories that relate to consumer fraud as well as other subjects that pertain to the motor of our economy. The site follows a typical formula of exposing the comedic ignorance of corporations and merging it with important consumer information. It doesn't do everything, but it's not a bad place for deals.

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