Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mark Sanford's an Intellectual Conservative (!?!) & Ayn Rand in Newsweek

Mark Sanford (you know, the governor from South Carolina that managed to disgrace his family, office, state, and party) is waving and waving in an attempt to stay relevant and position himself as an intellectual conservative. In a pitiful attempt, Sanford beats a well-worn conservative path on Rand and why she and John Galt kicks mega ass in Atlas Hugged. Hugged is a poorly titled article that reeks like an 0p-ed of a person who's fighting for his political career yet fails to recognize that his indecency has pushed him far from the great white hope of the GOP. Blatantly wrapping himself in the ridiculous garb of compassionate conservatism, the piece is nothing more than a soapbox for Sanford's conservatism by beating the "government is the problem" drum.

Of course, what would the article be without a closing paragraph on the fallen nature of man? Sanford links limited government with man's sinful tendencies and salvation is lurking around the corner, presumably for his stupidity and the bogeyman of big government. "Men and women are imperfect, or "fallen," which is why I believe there is a role for limited government in making sure that my rights end where yours begin....In that sense, this is a very good time for a Rand resurgence." Weaving religion and limited government induces vomiting and his feeble shot at salvation is reprehensible.

ETA: Although Sanford mentions Jennifer Burns's new Rand bio as well as Rand's works, there's no semblance of a book review in this pointless "article."

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