Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"I don't go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth" Kathy Griffin
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Looming fight over card check/EFCA
Good to have Solis on Labor's Side
Monday, December 29, 2008
NYT Editorial: Obama Should Support EFCA/Card Check in 2009
"The Labor Agenda"
"'The argument against unions — that they unduly burden employers with unreasonable demands — is one that corporate America makes in good times and bad, so the recession by itself is not an excuse to avoid pushing the bill next year. The real issue is whether enhanced unionizing would worsen the recession, and there is no evidence that it would."
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Israel's Asymmetric Strikes against Gaza and the US' War against Hamas
In other words, this isn't as simple as Hamas attacking Israel, thus forcing Israel's hand. (Nor is this about religion, which is an unsophisticated response to these attacks. Islamism is recently popular because of secular failure and American-backed authoritarian governments, not because everyone over there are Mooooslums and they hate our freedoms.) Hamas' rocket attacks have low lethality and accomplish little collateral damage. Certainly, one could respond that fear of rocket attacks generates a pervasive siege mentality and convinces one that death from above is seconds away on a daily basis. And I think there's some truth to that, but I don't believe it justifies such an overwhelming response.
Further, if you want to play the terror card, it's only fair to reckon with Israel's, the West's, and (it should be noted) Egypt's embargoes on life in Gaza. Gazans encounter the following on a daily basis: severe food shortages, interruption or nonexistence of basic services, few job opportunities, and armed guards patrolling borders. If you want to see what inspires rocket attacks, it's irresponsible to neglect the extremely poor quality of life in Gaza. In effect, you can't marginalize or ignore the suffering of one group by privileging that of another.
I thought Rice and the DoS response would be a bit more measured, but it's hardly surprising considering the US' policy toward Hamas. (See an explanatory post regarding democracy and American policy under the foreign policy label.) Sarkozy, thus far, offered a decent response, but I hoped for some humanity from the Bush admin rather than its obdurate response.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Republican party as racists and southerners? Barack the Magic Negro?
"The CD sent to RNC members, first reported by The Hill on Friday, is titled "We Hate the USA" and also includes songs referencing former presidential candidate John Edwards and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, among other targets.
According to The Hill, other song titles, some of which were in bold font, were: "John Edwards' Poverty Tour," "Wright place, wrong pastor," "Love Client #9," "Ivory and Ebony" and "The Star Spanglish Banner."
Saltsman was national campaign manager for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's presidential bid in 2007 and 2008. Before that, he held a variety of posts, including a number of positions under former Sen. Bill Frist of Tennessee."Look at that tracklist! I wish I would have bought Kate that for her stocking. It sure beats the live phish copy of her first show.
Milk at the Mayan Theater
Besides a pleasing experience at the Mayan, we were treated to a fantastic performance by Sean Penn and Josh Brolin in Milk. I'm not going to bother with a plot summary, but the writing and Penn's acting were superb. Milk's driving and charismatic nature are positioned next to his keen understanding of politics and desire to harness the levers of politics. At one point, San Francisco's mayor, George Moscone (played well by Victor Garber, one of the leads in the canceled TV show Eli Stone), informs Milk that his comments are akin to those of Boss Tweed or Mayor Richard J. Daley. So while the representation is mostly positive, Van Sant and Penn established a dual nature for Milk that avoids simplistic celebration as he grappled with the difficult task of grappling with advancing a gay rights agenda. For instance, at one point, the film forces the audience to confront Milk's hypocritical stance on coming out to his parents and his demands that his closest supporters announce their sexuality.
One of the more fascinating elements that I drew from the film were the scenes of protest in the Castro. It was neat to juxtapose those with the recent ones after the win for proposition eight and its backers, including the Mormon Church which bankrolled some of its advocates. In fact, one cannot help but situate the echoes of the past to the claims and calumny of the present. Certainly that was planned, but the execution was powerful.
Friday, December 26, 2008
New Roberto Bolano story in the New Yorker
Samuel P. Huntington, 1927-2008
Islam is whack, says Huntington
Harvard Memoriam Page
Sunday, December 21, 2008
LAT: Vitamin Supplements Don't Fight Cancer, Study Shows
Now the results from those trials are rolling in, and nearly all of them fail to show any benefit from taking vitamin and mineral supplements. This month, two long-term trials with more than 50,000 participants offered fresh evidence that vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium supplements don't reduce the risk of prostate, colorectal, lung, bladder or pancreatic cancer. Other recent studies have found that over-the-counter vitamins and minerals offer no help in fighting other cancers, stroke or cardiovascular disease.
The observational studies that originally linked vitamins to better health may have been biased because people who take supplements are often healthier overall than people who don't.
Some physicians now advise their patients not to bother with the pills, and to rely instead on a healthy diet to provide needed vitamins and minerals....
Egyptian Tax Collectors
Arabist: brief tarikh
Beinin: Underbelly of Egypt’s Neoliberal Agenda (MERIP)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Kate and Brandon's Honeymoon Photos
Here are some photos:
Things of note from your Chicago Tribune
MillerCoors announced the cessation of caffeinated beer. C'mon, who doesn't want to weave caffeine jitters and slowed motor function? I wouldn't have made it through graduate school without my beloved Sparks.
Greg Kot's top Chicago indie acts of 2008: shot baker.
Friday, December 19, 2008
LAT & Car and Driver on the 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid
Not a bad write-up on Ford's contribution to the burgeoning hybrid market. (links at the bottom) The Fusion will appear in 2009, but, as far as I know, there hasn't been an official date. Car and Driver called it "shockingly good," "wipes the floor with Toyota Camry hybrid," and, something the author writes the Camry is not, "reasonably entertaining to drive." Like you, I might have wondered why didn't we hear more about this? The Volt is nothing new, but the Fusion swam under the radar. The LAT correspondent answered the question:
"What they did fail to do was sufficiently commercialize this technology so that it was ready and waiting at dealerships when people got stampeded this year by spiraling gas prices.
Had Ford made a few hundred thousand of these cars available in June -- along with the financing to sell them -- we'd be erecting 50-foot equestrian statues of William Clay Ford and Alan Mulally in city squares, and the streets of Dearborn, Mich., would be repaved with diamond cobblestones."
I don't know if anyone would go so far to apotheosize Ford as the reporter suggests, but their situation could be remarkably different had they marketed the Fusion better. For instance--when the B3 drove hybrids to DC--Wagoner drove a Malibu and a Volt but Mulally drove an Escape. Why not the Fusion? Overall, the two assessments are positive and could (if drivers across the country agree) improve Ford's market share. But, of course, no one is buying so there is a larger, systemic dilemma the B3 face.
Fwiw, I don't know if the Fusion's or the Volt's designs appeal to me on an aesthetic level.
Go Getter (LAT)
Car and Driver
W. Mark Felt, Nixon's antagonist "Deep Throat," Dies

The man that helped bring about Nixon's downfall died at age 95. A popular misconception is that Nixon wouldn't have fallen without Woodward, Bernstein, and Felt/Deep Throat. There could be some truth to it, but the trio's greatest contribution was to popularize Watergate and add fuel to the investigation as the public learned about the tainted nature of CREEP and all its sunny characters.
LAT Obit
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The resolution to the Repubic Windows and Doors sit-in
"And at the last minute of negotiations, according to Representative Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois, who helped moderate talks to resolve the standoff, and union officials, Republic’s chief executive, Richard Gillman, demanded that any new bank loan to help the employees also cover the lease of several of his cars — a 2007 BMW 350xi and a 2002 Mercedes S500 are among those registered to company addresses — as well as eight weeks of his salary, at $225,000 a year." I can't believe Gillman's gall. He is partially responsible for screwing his workers and he has the gumption to speak such outlandish requests?
For those who are curious, the final resolution: "Eventually, the parties agreed that the workers would be the only ones to benefit. They would be paid severance and for vacation, and receive two months’ health coverage. The company owners also agreed to come up with $114,000 to cover the payroll for their last week of work."
I wrote this last weekend, but with grading I had to shelve posting.
MIGs or Cessnas? You decide, Lebanon.
"The Cessna would allow Lebanon to strike a domestic terrorist target, Mr. Straub said. But it would be no threat to Israeli forces; it could easily be shot down. The MIG-29 has the potential to be a threat, given its speed, maneuverability and ability to carry advanced weapons."
The second sentence is the key to understanding American weapons offers. I don't think anyone in the US government believes the current Lebanese government would be so foolish to attack Israel directly, thus why they don't get serious hardware. I presume it's the concern that Siniora or Suleiman, or any future government, could fall and that risk carries with it the threat of a Nasrallah/Hezbollah terrorist state, which wouldn't happen, or somehow could be manipulated by Iran. Again, doubtful. Regardless, it's doubtful the Lebanese would accept, but it's entertaining to see arms employed for these political purposes again.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
US military presence in Western & Eastern Africa and aid totals.
A friend and others quite rightly point out that George Bush has given more aid to Africa than past presidents. That's rosy, but I think the reality is that the aid hasn't been restricted to shipping tons of condoms, AIDS drugs, wheat, rice, or 2007 Bears Super Bowl Champion attire. It is certainly true that the US donated some of the previously mentioned items (even Bears' ware), but Bush certainly shouldn't be labeled as a humanitarian when a large portion of his African aid figures have been tied up with weapons, military training, and education programs stressing abstinence and monogamy before condom use (ABC). As I mentioned in a previous entry, the Bush administration (in their Cold War, dichotomous Islamophobia) pushed the Ethiopians to attack Somalia, which did little to stabilize the country. Or, as some would say, it accomplished nothing but to sustain a cycle of hell in Somalia and empower pirates and groups like Shabab. So if you're wondering why Somali pirates have the freedom to operate with a sense of impunity (besides random attacks from the Indian navy), I encourage to you to reconsider US policy in East Africa.
Since 1945, one of the more impressive and overlooked American undertakings has been to train the world in a plethora of subjects: labor (the one I know best), military/security, diplomacy, commerce, education, health, business, and others. It's a product of the Cold War, largely beginning with the Point 4 Technical Assistance Program under Truman. The war on terror permitted such projects to expand, and it seems unlikely that they will decrease with the Obama administration. If you wish to see a more benign side to this matter, one could easily say the US is generously sharing its expertise in affairs where it's the world's leader. If, on the other hand, one interpreted this through a more cynical lens, it would be foolish to consider this anything more than spreading/imposing American hegemony and normative values--all accomplished through the US leveraging its preponderant international authority. Honestly, I don't have an answer but those are two views one could take.
One last thing, here is a link to a 2005 Brookings report that debunks the Bush admin's claim regarding its beneficent aid figures. It would dishonest to claim that the situation hasn't improved since then, however, I cite the findings only to illustrate that the first term wasn't Bush funneling money to Africa for the good of humanity.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Shoe throwin' man and zsa zsa.
Monday's LA Times ran a piece on Samir Geagea and former rivals' distrust of his post-prison expiation. Geagea was a Christian warlord who, among many others, tore Lebanon apart during its civil war. There is no mention if his hands are bloody from any association with the Sabra and Shatilla masacres, but he doesn't appear to any saint. Maybe a sadistic John the Baptist with an AK-47.
saved by mysticism and eleven years in a dungeon
Even Bill Kristol thinks unions and the B3 were treated unfairly.
Bill on the Big 3:
"Still, it seems to me true that the financial big shots haven’t been treated nearly as roughly in Congress or in the media as the auto executives, who have done nothing remotely as irresponsible as their Wall Street counterparts."
On the UAW:
"What’s more, in their disdain for the American auto companies, the left and right wings of the establishment agree. Of course, the particular foci of criticism are different — the left berates the auto companies’ management, the right the United Automobile Workers. But even on the left, while Democratic politicians still try to look out for the interests of the U.A.W., there’s not really that much sympathy for the workers."
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Man hurls shoes at George Bush in Iraq.
President Bush ducked out of harm's way when a reporter threw his shoes at him during his farewell trip to Iraq.
The man, later identified as Muntadar al-Zeidi, a correspondent for Iraqi-owned Al-Baghdadiya television based in Egypt, shouted "this is the end" as he hurled them at the American leader.
The moment was captured from different camera angles and shows the president's reaction afterwards. The Beeb has a better video, but this was easier to snag. Apparently Dana Perino was knocked around and got a black eye when the man was subdued. Who knew G-dub had those cat-like reflexes.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
White Collar and Blue Collar. Who is worse?
I don't want to play on class antagonism, but there is an underlying dismissal of the working-class, lower middle-class, and poor for being stupid and greedy, but yet they weren't the ones who pushed poor loans and failed to diversify their holdings leading to bailouts. And, further, I don't know why the White House and Democratic allies aren't referring to this as a "rescue" like they did for the financial firms? Sure, I know it's a dubious label that strains credulity, but I think it's ridiculous that auto companies are the ones who've committed the most serious errors and why they deserve the greatest scrutiny. How often do people ask how people fly into DC to testify? Were any financial execs grilled like that? Nope. And, yes, I know the Big Three's products aren't appealing, but the business model Merrill, Citi, and a host of others followed was transparently flawed to the tune of several hundred billion.
And the easy response is that the banking industry is the important sector. That's true, and I wouldn't dispute that it's relevance to global economics is paramount. But that shouldn't give any executives a free pass. They don't deserve it either, which is where the fundamental hypocrisy exists. And let's face it: none of the financial company's execs were willing to work for the dollar a year salary, and at least the Big Three's were willing to make that commitment in earnest.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thoughts on the Obama cabinet
Nick and Rachel go to Taiwan
Off to bed.
Michael Moore on the failure of the auto bail out.
"the Senate said, we'll give you the loan only if the factory workers take a $20 an hour cut in wages, pension, and health care. That's right. After giving BILLIONS to Wall Street hucksters and criminal investment bankers—billions with no strings attached and, as we have since learned, no oversight whatsoever—the Senate decided it is more important to break a union, more important to throw middle class wage earners into the ranks of the working poor than to prevent the total collapse of industrial America."
Daily Beast
Republican campaign to destroy unions.
During the 1950s, Walter Reuther worked tirelessly to build the United Auto Workers into the strongest union in the US, and he succeeded for a time. Now, the Republicans are deliberately trying to destroy the UAW and with it a heritage of union activism and strength. Their calls for the UAW to slash wages isn't an innocent request to get the companies and the country competitive. If the Republicans cared so much about getting this country on track and preventing this from happening again, they should have told all of the financial firms that their rank-and-file employees had to slash their wages. But they didn't for two reasons:
1. They believe they have the opportunity to crush the unions.
2. They are demonstrating their privilege for business and disaster capitalism.
Following WWII, Republicans and conservatives of all stripes made a concerted effort to destroy unions with stifling federal legislation (eg Taft Hartley), executive action (ie PATCO), and right to work legislation in many Southern states. The Republicans also know that the Employees' Free Choice Act will appear in the next year or so, and they're doing the best they can in the present to erode unions' base of power before an overwhelmingly Democratic presence rears its head. (Thus why a meeting of Wal-Mart managers were informed last spring that a Democratic presidential victory meant unions at their stores.)
See this for exactly what it is: another battle in the Republican campaign to destroy unions--paid for by the RNC, NAM, the Chamber of Commerce, and a laundry list of conservative think tanks, not for profits, and business groups.
Cut wages and taxes!!! Brought to you by the RNC.
Yesterday, the Senate Republicans and the RNC expected the UAW (and the sizable industries affiliated with the UAW) to agree to wage cuts, in numerous instances by half. I can see it now: "Okay, folks, we know times are tough, so we here at the RNC expect you to cut your wages in half. Well, no, we didn't ask that financial companies limit the wages of their employees or the millions of dollars in bonuses, but that's not the same and it's not hypocrisy." I don't know how you sell a package like that? Sure, I know electoral politics is part of it, but I can't understand the level of hypocrisy.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A favorable resolution to the sit-in appears at hand.
The bank says it's willing to give the Republic Windows and Doors factory "a limited amount of additional loans" so it can resolves claims of employees who have staged a sit-in since Friday.
The factory closed last Friday after Bank of America canceled its financing.
Workers were given three days notice. But they refused to leave and vowed to stay there until receiving assurances they would receive severance and accrued vacation pay.
The bank has been criticized for cutting off the plant's credit after taking federal bailout money.
Be careful what you say on the phone, kid. Chicago Politics, yay!!!
So to read that G-Rod was an ignorant ass and was so blatant on the phone...I just can't fathom his hubris and ego. If some kid like me learned the lesson early, why would a seasoned politician who knew he was under investigation be so foolish? If you have a target on your back, why step into the line of fire?
Nelson Lichtenstein weighs in on the Chicago sit-in
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sit-in continues at Republic Windows and Doors in Chicago
The company, however, issued a statement demonstrating how the company knew since October its end was at hand, but Bank of America refused to advance any further credit to pay workers. "The statement suggested that it had gone back and forth with Bank of America for more than a month, but that the bank had rejected several of its 'wind down' plans as well as the company’s request for financing to pay workers’ owed vacation." I'm not in a hurry to take BoA's side, but maybe its representatives knew that Republic was closing to shift its production and they didn't want to do it any favors. The State of Illinois is suspending (or threatening) to cut off its business with BoA until this matter dissipates.
The story is getting a fair amount of press nationally. CNN covered it for fifteen to twenty minutes around 1 (mountain) and major newspapers are taking hold. A friend, Doug Sheflin, and I ate lunch and we discussed our surprise about the coverage and the workers' tenacity.
12/8 NYT story
Obama supports the Chicago sit-in workers
From CNN: "Number one, I think that these workers, if they have earned these benefits and their pay, then these companies need to follow through on those commitments," Obama said during a news conference Sunday.
"And, number two, I think it is important for us to make sure that, moving forward, any economic plan that we put in place helps businesses to meet payroll so that we're not seeing these kinds of circumstances again."
Paul Volcker and getting the country on track?
PV is more frugal than all y'all
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Laid-off workers protest in Chicago
The workers say they won't leave the Republic Windows and Doors plant until assurances they'll get severance and vacation pay.
Jackson's Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition says he's trying to help get Republic's creditor, the Bank of America, to reinstate its line of credit and save around 300 jobs.
Carrying signs that read "Bank of America: Don't Steal Christmas," workers at the North Side manufacturer continued their protest Saturday after the company shut its doors on three days' notice because the bank canceled its line of credit.
Republic Windows & Doors closed Friday after being in business since 1965. Members of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, which represents 260 workers at the company's Goose Island plant, have taken shifts at a sit-in at the plant, 1333 N. Hickory Ave., since Friday.
The union said the bank is not letting the company pay workers their vacation and severance pay. In addition, the union said they were not given 60 days' notice of a mass layoff, as required by federal law.
"They're throwing people out on the street with three days' notice, penniless," said Leah Fried, an organizer with United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers.
The company told employees Tuesday that its main lender, Bank of America, had canceled its line of credit because of a severe downturn in business at the plant.
Members of several unions attended Saturday's sit-in as well as Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who accused the company of knowing the plant was going to close long before last week's announcement to avoid paying workers for the days they are owed under federal law.
"I don't believe somebody woke up on Tuesday and simply decided to shut the doors," Gutierrez said.
Representatives of Republic Windows & Doors and Bank of America could not be reached for comment Saturday.
The union said company officials didn't show up for a meeting Friday, but the two sides are scheduled to meet 4 p.m. Monday to negotiate, workers said.
Melvin Maclin, 54, who has worked at the plant for seven years, said employees had suspected the company was in dire financial straits for months but were continually reassured.
When he learned Tuesday that the plant would shut its doors at week's end, he turned to religion for solace.
"I'm dependent on my faith in God to see me and my family through this," he said.
He said he has no intention of leaving the plant until he receives his vacation and severance pay.
"We've been here since yesterday, and we aren't going anywhere," he said.
-- Gerry Smith and Associated Press
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Andrew Bacevich, The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism
Bacevich looks back at American history over the past fifty years, mostly, and pointing out where we went wrong. There were two moments when policy-makers had the opportunity to steer a different course: at the end of the WWII and the onset of the Cold War when James Forrestal's alarmist sensibilities guided Defense, State, and National Security to support NSC-68. The second moment appeared when Jimmy Carter accepted America's weakened state with the "crisis of confidence" speech (dubbed the "malaise speech") and the US' deleterious energy dependence. Instead of heeding Carter's advice, Americans chose Reagan's exceptional, deficit-exploding leadership that advocated global military superiority and presence instead of conservative principles. Consumerism and energy consumption were pushed at the cost of an honest examination of the US' trade balance, energy use, savings rate, and those noble beliefs were sidelined further after the Soviet Union crumbled and the US "won" the Cold War--saddled with debt, a sloppy foreign policy, and a society addicted to cheap oil.
The US' invasion of Iraq is due in large part to the Bush administration's shortsighted pomp. As Bacevich points out, however, much of Bush & Co.'s attitudes (notably disdain for public input or consultation) arose from long-standing foreign policy traditions. As a result of Iraq, we're now in a dire situation where the chickens have come home to roost, and Bacevich isn't sure that Obama is the desired solution.
The Limits of Power is phenomenal in the way it lays out the problems our country faces. Shades of Charles Beard and William Appleman Williams ring throughout the work. Some reviews have criticized his work as lacking resolutions. Bacevich doesn't beat you over the head with his answers; he's an historian/political scientist not a pundit or politician. As such, one must understand his writing as an historian to see the lessons the reader should glean from the past in order to resolve our current problems. His conclusion also offers clear proposals for how the US could get out of this mess.
As phenomenal as a book as this is, there are problems and strange omissions. One finishes The Limits of Power with repeated examples of Reinhold Niebuhr's brilliance and premonitions, and it gets a bit tiring. (He goes so far as to call him "the prophet.") I was surprised he didn't deal more with the privatization of America's war machine and the use of, in essence, mercenaries. It warrants one apparent reference, but he could have demonstrated how market principles and Reaganomics corrupted the US' ability to wage war and its signaled a willingness to pay contractors lavish sums at the taxpayers' expense. Also, he seems to be a bit confused on the draft, and, again, privatized war relates to this issue. At one point (140) he supports the draft as a check for American power, but several pages later he relegates the idea to the bin of past good that no longer applies to current circumstances (150-152). The mixed all-volunteer army and private contractors may not be sustainable. Still, he could have explored how a draft could check American power with greater attention and seriousness.
Also, I can't tell how he feels about Muslims. In the conclusion, he raises the subject of Muslims in an odd fashion by discussing Muslims as one block and imbued with the belief that political Islam is a solution. He discredits the latter concept as akin to Marxism-Leninism and Maoism and I find that difficult to accept. Bacevich worked on his PhD in diplomatic history at Princeton. I don't know if he was informed by Bernard Lewis's works or had some affiliation with him, but I can't discern whether Bacevich, in effect, looks at Muslims as backwards, homogenous, and unable to arise above and beyond Islam's constraints, which is a core of what Lewis argues. If Bacevich does, his book is flawed and his world outlook should be questioned. I find this potential flaw disappointing for someone with such clarity, sober analysis, and trenchant criticism.
(Bacevich faculty profile at BU)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Rice and Pakistan
I know that Rice, et al are knowledgeable about the regional balance of power, but one aspect of Pakistan's grand strategy for years has been to shelter, train/arm/fund, and ignore proxy groups that target India and Afghanistan employing asymmetrical tactics. Asking the Pakistanis to surrender one aspect of their foreign policy via threats and intimidation strikes me as odd. If it were to be successful, the Americans would need to press India and Afghanistan to meet and talk with the Pakistanis and to make concessions that would appease the Pakistanis. Certainly, there are areas inside Pakistan that the Pakistanis cannot control, but its presidents and security chiefs made rational decisions and found merit in proxy groups. To strike at them and ease tension, a regional solution should be formulated to ameliorate Pakistan's justified security concerns. And even Iran could help this process.
Meat Consumption and Global Warming
A few months ago, Mark Bittman of the NYT wrote a fabulous op-ed on meat consumption, food miles, and global warming. Today's paper has a story of how farmers in the Netherlands are attempting to capture methane from animal waste and transform it into a viable source for energy. It's a fun read and describes how a test farm siphons off and burns the gas creating cleaner energy (the farm relies on 25% and then sells the rest back to the power grid) and still has plenty of remaining fertilizer to sell or spread. (The state requires farmers to have a stable source of fertilizer on hand at all times.)
The article also tackles the issue that most people overlook in the rush to lay the blame of global warming on transportation: agriculture and meat consumption release carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide at alarming rates--and those numbers will increase as meat consumption grows across the world. "The trillions of farm animals around the world generate 18% of the emissions that are raising global temperatures, according to the UN estimates, more even than from cars, buses and airplanes." [italics mine] Rallying behind attacks on cars--which are justified--is only part of the problem. If Americans earnestly want to lessen global warming, our consumption patterns must change and meat is right up there.
Robert Frank's 2007 Falling Behind: How Rising Inequality Harms the Middle Class offers options for how Americans could alter consumption, but they are solutions that I fear many Americans would find unpalatable. Among several of his ideas, he suggests tax increases targeting consumption but also those that benefit public services and infrastructure. As an eminent economist at Cornell, he's no body's fool. But in a political climate where restoring Willy J. Clinton's tax rates is dubbed socialism, tax hikes in the US won't fly, especially with our current economic malaise. Frank presents his ideas clearly and in a non-esoteric manner and he addresses social issues and demonstrates economic connections. After skimming the book, however, I question its efficacy partly due to the reason I cited above. Well, that and I think his book is silly at points.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Spare a dime, Wal-Mart?
"We consider Mr. Damour part of the Wal-Mart family, and are saddened by his death," the statement said. "We have been in communication with members of his family to do what we can to help them through this difficult time. Our associates know that when incidents like this occur, we take care of our own."
Monday, December 1, 2008
Susan Rice, the next UN ambassador
Obama is also elevating the UN ambassador to a cabinet level position, which was the policy under Clinton. The Bush administration demoted the ambassador, which reveals how highly they viewed that position.