Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Republican party as racists and southerners? Barack the Magic Negro?

Members of the Republican Party aren't doing much to dispel the notion that their party consists of racists and Southerners. Chip Saltsman, a candidate for the RNC chair, distributed a lovely holiday cd to RNC members. The track that garners the most attention is "Barack the Magic Negro," which Saltsman and Rush Limbaugh defend as political satire. If they keep it up, they're digging their own grave which people such as Sarah Palin and Huckabee will only deepen. I should note that I don't think Huckabee is a bad person, nor is Palin. But they're grossly unqualified and their view of government is anachronistic. Bush and his ideologues bankrupted intellectual conservatism, and it's no surprise Bill Buckley's son rejected this year's Republican candidates. It would be nice if Bobby Jindal would speak out against this, but I doubt he'd be willing to generate waves. Here are the juicy paragraphs of the CNN story:

"The CD sent to RNC members, first reported by The Hill on Friday, is titled "We Hate the USA" and also includes songs referencing former presidential candidate John Edwards and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, among other targets.

According to The Hill, other song titles, some of which were in bold font, were: "John Edwards' Poverty Tour," "Wright place, wrong pastor," "Love Client #9," "Ivory and Ebony" and "The Star Spanglish Banner."

Saltsman was national campaign manager for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's presidential bid in 2007 and 2008. Before that, he held a variety of posts, including a number of positions under former Sen. Bill Frist of Tennessee."

Look at that tracklist! I wish I would have bought Kate that for her stocking. It sure beats the live phish copy of her first show.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Two night's ago I found myself at dinner with my parents and a guy they've know for years who happened to walk in. He stayed and had a few drinks with us. He's a flamboyantly gay man, highly educated, was once a priest and judging by what he took down in that one our, is a raging alcoholic. He picked my brain because he's always curious about the youth (I guess I'm still that) and we talked religion and politics, among other things. Soon after making clear that he was a Republican he led into a story that involved him referring to Hillary and Obama as a "cunt" and a "nigger", respectively. The whole conversation was a total mind-fuck on like 8 levels. It really stuck with me.