Friday, December 12, 2008

Cut wages and taxes!!! Brought to you by the RNC.

I can't understand the hypocritical stance made by the Republicans in regards to the auto bailout. Several months ago in Ohio and across the nation, McCain, Palin, and hosts of their minions were out in force decrying how Obama was going to raise taxes on working folk, which was a patent lie. Now they want the UAW to cut its wages by half? The auto industry is deeply ingrained in northern and western Ohio and that area of the state will feel the sting of a collapse or even bankruptcy filing by the Big Three. While GM and Chrysler can file for bankruptcy protection, suppliers and dealers will not have the same luck. Some will be safe, but many won't. It goes without saying--but I'll still say it--that Michigan will be throttled by this, and it will take a miracle for them to take Michigan should the worst happen. And Mitt Romney will not be well received if the situation goes from bad to worse with a collapse of the Big Three.

Yesterday, the Senate Republicans and the RNC expected the UAW (and the sizable industries affiliated with the UAW) to agree to wage cuts, in numerous instances by half. I can see it now: "Okay, folks, we know times are tough, so we here at the RNC expect you to cut your wages in half. Well, no, we didn't ask that financial companies limit the wages of their employees or the millions of dollars in bonuses, but that's not the same and it's not hypocrisy." I don't know how you sell a package like that? Sure, I know electoral politics is part of it, but I can't understand the level of hypocrisy.

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