Sunday, December 21, 2008

LAT: Vitamin Supplements Don't Fight Cancer, Study Shows

Story - One of today's lead LAT stories debunks the notion that vitamins and supplements are the magic bullet for optimized health. Quotes of Note:

Now the results from those trials are rolling in, and nearly all of them fail to show any benefit from taking vitamin and mineral supplements. This month, two long-term trials with more than 50,000 participants offered fresh evidence that vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium supplements don't reduce the risk of prostate, colorectal, lung, bladder or pancreatic cancer. Other recent studies have found that over-the-counter vitamins and minerals offer no help in fighting other cancers, stroke or cardiovascular disease.

The observational studies that originally linked vitamins to better health may have been biased because people who take supplements are often healthier overall than people who don't.

Some physicians now advise their patients not to bother with the pills, and to rely instead on a healthy diet to provide needed vitamins and minerals....

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