Monday, November 3, 2008

I wonder what David Byrne sounds like when he's angry?

In Byrne's most recent blog post, he recounts the story of a Cleveland cab driver trying to stiff him for a hundred. Here's what he has to say:

"I say calmly to the driver, “Don’t do this, don’t go there,” but he keeps at it. A couple more calm exchanges, and then I snap. I start screaming at the top of my lungs at this guy, and remind him that “I’ve got your number in my back pocket and if you don’t fucking give me the money, I’ll call the cops, right now.” I have my hand on the door handle. He still hesitates and I continue to scream at him, “Alright, I’m calling the cops, you fucker.”

Bryne is a New Yorker so I doubt he has any reticence when it comes to screaming someone down, but I can't figure out what he must sound like? High-pitched, operatic yelling? Or clenched jaw, "I will end you" intensity?

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