Monday, November 24, 2008

James Dobson is wacky

James Dobson, the visionary behind Focus on the Family, composed a 16 page letter from his predictions of the state of the nation in 2012.

Some of the pearls: the federal government will force everyone to allow gay people in every walk of life and the gays will infiltrate the Boy Scouts; abortions for all!; the Sunni Al Qaeda terrorists will work with Iran (highly unlikely based on past experience with the Taliban) to destroy Iraq and defeat the US, thus emboldening the terrorists to bomb our cities; the wimpy Obama won't arrest anyone; he won't permit "Drill here, Drill now!!!" and we'll all pay for gas in kidneys and other commodifiable organs; and his far left, ACLU agenda wrecked America. In short, we're screwed, people. My read of the document wasn't thorough, but strangely absent is any discussion of immigration.

One of his concluding sentences: "Christians didn’t take time to find out who Barack Obama was when they voted for him. Why did they risk our nation’s future on him? It was a mistake that changed the course of history.? The hysterics.

Feast your eyes

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