Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Polar Columns

There couldn't be more disparate columns in today's NYT Op-Eds. Bob Herbert's column--while acknowledging the mess we're facing as a nation--noted that we are at a pivotal moment, and that we can pull out of this nosedive if we cut through the nonsensical cat-calls and attacks heard during this election. One finishes his column with the notion that our bird isn't cook.

On the opposite edge of the page, David Brooks is ready to tell us that not only is the bird over cooked, but it's been picked clean and the post-baby boom generation will be fighting for connective tissue. One of the dominant themes is the scarcity we'll face in the future, and it's hard to leave his column with a hopeful feeling. It's downright gloomy. Maybe if McSame III was heavily favored, it would be a different column.

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