Monday, November 10, 2008

Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale

Brewed by Stone Brewery and a pricey six pack (approx 17 dollars American - thanks, Doug), it's certainly worth the cost, especially when you're not paying (thanks, Doug). With the title "You're Not Worthy" below the label and the name Arrogant Bastard, you might, correctly, believe that you're about to rip into an in your face beer with plenty to think about. You'd be right. Beer Advocate's overall is an A-, and the Alstrom Brothers awarded it an A. I should mention that I haven't had regular Arrogant Bastard in almost a year, so I can't speak to the difference between the two.

A strong, sharp piney body with oak notes and hops in the aftertaste. Of note, the ingredient list claims that the brewers use "the most aggressive hops...abundant Arrogance...all with oak chips." For what it's worth, you aren't walloped with oak. At times it seemed as though the oak wasn't as prevalent as I had wanted. As far as seasonal, for a fall or winter beer this is ideal. It's a stronger ale that sits heavier on your pallet with light carbonation, and I can't foresee a time when I'd want to rip through a six pack in one sitting. That's not to say that it is overwhelming or too much for a casual drinker, but with the cost and complexity I can't imagine a point where it would be a good idea to consume more than one or two in a single evening/session.

And for what it's worth, I paired it with grilled chicken thighs with an acidic marinade and it seemed as though the contrast in flavors brought out some flavors.

Next up, I'm hoping to purchase a bottle of Saison Dupont or La Folie.

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