Saturday, January 17, 2009

American Missionaries in the ME

Two recent books cover American missionaries in the Middle East:
Ussama Makdisi - Artillery of Heaven: American Missionaries and the Failed Conversion of the Middle East
and Heather J. Sharkey American Missionaries in Egypt: Missionary Encounters in an Age of Empire

American missionaries are fascinating people. Of course, they're doing god's work, but what they propagate is a particularly American style of worship and, generally speaking, culture. I'm eagerly awaiting a good book on Mormon missionaries, one where an author discusses the nature of the Mormon message and (out of personal curiosity) if there's any relationship to capitalism/entrepreneurship. While it's great to know where men on their missions ventured by church orders, but any successful book would need a critical examination of how and what was proselytized.

I have yet to begin, in earnest, Chalcraft's recent book. But that's on tap for Monday.

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