Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where to now?

Tomorrow, according to various reports, President Obama will issue an executive order to close Guantanamo within a year. Smashing. The next question is where will the inmates go? Australia said no, and I believe Portugal volunteered to take some. Maybe Poland (don't forget Poland) or some other member of the coalition of the willing could house portions. I'm intrigued to see if any are shipped to Super Max prisons in the continental US, as the Bush administration rejected, ostensibly, bringing such gems as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to these shores.

Closing Guantanamo won't mean clearing out but all of the most grizzled and dangerous. The US will reluctantly release several soon, I presume. Still I think it unlikely that the regrettably high number of innocents will be released to their home countries as many are considered threats, and that's a label that won't vanish in the near future. Hopefully I'm wrong in every way.

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