Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where does the money go?

I think it's irrational to not be scared of the deficits our country faces and dire economic situation we face. President Bush will request the remaining 350 billion this week. Where is this money going and where has the money gone? The guarantees that the public will be paid back are rosy, but the little transparency and accountability is scary. Apparently Congressional Democrats will act this week to apply checks and oppose Bush's freewheeling request, but I'm left wondering why it took this long? Hank Paulson wanted almost no system of oversight and I think he's succeeded in restricting any examination into distributing TARP funds. As the Senate Republicans attacked the B3 and the UAW over 15 or so billion, hundreds of billions flowed to various financial institutions.

I'm not saying that they shouldn't receive the money. But there should be greater accounting of this rather than turning over hundreds of billions to the very people who's foresight failed them so miserably...and the very people who were supposed to embody economic/fiscal acumen.

Politico story

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