Friday, January 2, 2009

Rosa Brooks& Israel Can't Bomb its Way to Peace

Israel Can't Bomb its Way to Peace
Wikipedia List of Qassam Attacks (I can't vouch for this list's accuracy or provenance)

Rosa Brooks's column in today's LAT counters the simplistic narrative that Israel's hand was forced by Qassam rocket attacks. She points out that Ehud Barak, Olmert, and Tzipi all have political aspirations in this new war, and their timing is hardly coincidental. Near the end, she offers two salient points before launching into policy suggestions:

"Israel has no viable political endgame here: There's just no clear route from bombardment to a sustainable peace. But the damage caused by this new conflagration won't be limited to the Israelis and Palestinians. Israel's military offensive already has sparked outrage and protests throughout the Arab world. The current crisis also may destabilize some of the more moderate Arab governments in the region -- in Egypt, for instance -- where leaders now face popular backlash if they don't repudiate Israel.

And if you think that none of this really matters for us here in the U.S., you're kidding yourself. Arab and Islamic anger over Palestine continues to fuel anti-Western and anti-U.S. terrorism around the globe."

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