Monday, January 26, 2009

EFCA commercials

As of this week, I've noticed the below commercial pitching the Employee Free Choice Act. During the fall election cycle, and before the September-October meltdown, various business groups aired commercials crowing about the loss of the secret ballot or unions' stifling of choice. I was waiting for the response, and I'm relieved it's arrived. I wasn't surprised by the lack of an immediate retort to the smear campaign. Most people in unions wouldn't want, in any way, to contribute to making the election any sort of a referendum on unions. But as the economy teetered on the edge of the precipice and took a hard landing (I'm not sure we've retreated too far), the commercials vanished. This issue will remain when EFCA seriously enters Senate debate, and I'm curious if Obama's new organizing crew will be asked to participate in the struggle.

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