Saturday, January 17, 2009

Innocents in Gaza and accountability for attacks.

Further proof of how innocents in Gaza are paying the toll in this war. The Trib is running a story on Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Gazan doctor who also traveled freely between Gaza and Israel. Three of his daughters and a relative were ripped to pieces when an Israeli shell landed in their apartment. The IDF issued its stock response: "The Israeli army said it was investigating, and that an initial inquiry showed that 'soldiers were apparently fired upon' from the doctor's building 'or its vicinity.'" Like the attack on the UN compound, without some form of independent journalists it's impossible to verify any of the IDF claims and they should be seen as suspect.

In one of the most densely populated areas in the world, where do people go and how close is close? The Israelis aren't accepting refugees, and many can't travel through IDF lines. It's a cop out to say that Hamas fighters may have been firing near by without any proof, and it permits wanton destruction and death. And there is no indication, or at least that I've read or heard, that this is pushing Gazans to reject Hamas. If that's the case, one must question what Israel is gaining from this incursion. Helping Ehud's or Tzipi's electoral position isn't a worthwhile justification, and if Hamas returns more powerful this is going to be a botched offensive that does nothing more than perpetuate Israel's security dilemmas rather than forge a resolution. And those jackasses in Hamas are equally responsible for pushing this as long as they have.

Doctor's Lament

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